Luminaries : Sun, Moon
Malefic Planets : Sun, Saturn, Mars, Waning Moon,
(Rahu, Ketu, Afflicted Mercury)
Benefic Planets : Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon, Well
associated Mercury (If waning Moon
and Mercury are together, both become
Superior Planets : Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Inferior Planets : Mercury, Venus
Sex of Planets :
Sun, Mars, Jupiter : Males
Moon, Venus : Females
Mercury, Saturn : Neutrals
Caste of Planets :
Jupiter, Venus : Brahmins
Sun, Mars : Kshatriya
Mercury, Moon : Vaishya
Saturn : Shoodra
Qualities of planets:
Sun, Moon, Jupiter : Satwik
Venus, Mercury : Rajsik
Mars, Saturn : Tamasik
Directions of Planets :
Sun : East
Moon : North -West
Mars : South
Mercury : North
Jupiter : North-East
Venus : South- East
Saturn : West
Rahu/Ketu : South-West
Abodes of Planets :
Sun : Temple
Moon : Watery Place
Mars : Place of Fire
Mercury : Play ground
Jupiter : Treasure house
Venus : Bed Room
Saturn : Dirty Place
Seasons of Planets :
Venus : Vasant
Sun, Mars : Grishma
Moon : Varsha
Mercury : Sarad
Jupiter : Hemanta
Saturn : Sisir
Temperament of Planets :
Sun, Mars : Pitta or Bile
Saturn : Vata or wind
Jupiter, Moon, Venus : Kapha or phlegm
Mercury : Mixture of all
Taste of Planets :
Sun : Pungent
Moon : Saline
Mars : Bitter
Mercury : Mixed
Jupiter : Sweet
Venus : Sour
Saturn : Astringent
Elements of Planets :
Mercury : Prithivi
Moon, Venus : Jala
Sun, Mars : Agni
Saturn : Vayu
Jupiter : Akash
Complexion of Planets :
Mars and Sun : Blood- red
Moon : Tawny
Mercury : Green
Jupiter : Tawny
Venus : Variegated
Saturn : Dark
Physical constituents of Planets :
Sun : Bones
Moon : Blood
Mars : Marrow
Mercury : Skin
Jupiter : Fat
Venus : Semen
Saturn : Muscles
Cabinet of Planets :
Sun and Moon : Royal couple
Mars : Commander-in-chief
Mercury : Prince
Jupiter and Venus : Ministers
Saturn : Servant
Senses of planets :
Sun and Mars : Vision
Moon, Venus : Taste
Mercury : Smell
Jupiter : Hearing
Saturn : Touch
Periods of Planets :
Sun : Six Months
Moon : 48 Minutes
Mars : A day (Consisting
of day and Night)
Mercury : Two Months
Jupiter : One Month
Venus : A Fortnight
Saturn : A Year
Gems of Planets :
Sun : Ruby
Moon : Pearl
Mars : Coral
Mercury : Emerald
Jupiter : Yellow Sapphire
or Topaz
Venus : Diamond
Saturn : Blue Sapphire
Rahu : Gomed
Ketu : Cat’s eye
Metals of Planets :
Mars & Sun : Copper
Moon and Venus: Silver
Mercury : Bell’s metal
Jupiter : Gold
Saturn : Iron
Rahu and Ketu : Lead
Robes of Planets :
Sun : Coarse
Moon : New
Mars : Burnt
Mercury : Water soaked
Jupiter : Of recent origin
but not new
Venus : Durable
Saturn : Torn
Trees of Planets :
Sun : Tree with stout trunks
Moon : Milky trees(e.g.
rubber yielding plants)
Mars : Bitter trees
(Like lemon plants)
Mercury : Fruitless trees
Jupiter : Fruitful trees
Venus : Floral Plants
Saturn : Useless trees
Average Daily motion of planets in zodiac :
Sun : 10
Moon : 13-150
Mars : 30-45'
Mercury : 65-100'
Jupiter : 5-15'
Venus : 62-82'
Saturn : 2'
Rahu /Ketu : 3'
Planetary Aspects :-
All Planets aspect 7th house from the position occupied by
them. However Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, have special
aspect besides 7th aspect. The planetary aspects are as under:-
Sun, Mercury, Venus - 7th
Mars - 4th, 7th, 8th,
Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu - 5th, 7th, 9th
Saturn - 3rd, 7th, 10th
Exaltation, Debilitation and Mooltrikona signs/ degrees of Planets
Planet Exaltation Debilitation Exaltation/ Mooltrikona
Sign Sign Debilitation
Degrees Signs Degrees
Sun Aries Libra 100 Leo 00-200
Moon Taurus Scorpio 30 Taurus 40-200
Mars Capricorn Cancer 280 Aries 00-120
Mercury Virgo Pisces 150 Virgo 160-200
Jupiter Cancer Capricorn 50 Sagittarius 00-100
Venus Pisces Virgo 270 Libra 00-150
Saturn Libra Aries 200 Aquarius 00 –200
Rahu Taurus Scorpio 15° Virgo 15°
Ketu Scorpio Taurus 15° Pisces 15°
Inter Planetary Relationships
Planets have two kinds of relationships:
1. Permanent/ Natural/ Naisargik:- This is a permanent
relationship and is not influenced by position of planets in the
zodiac. Due to their inherent nature, the planets are friendly
with certain planets and inimical to others. The rays of planets
will be intensified by the rays of one declared as its friend and
counteracted by those of a planet declared as its enemy. The
permanent relationship among planets is as under :-
Planets Friends Naturals Enemies
Sun Moon, Mars, Mercury Venus, Saturn
Moon Sun, Mercury Mars, Jupiter, None
Venus, Saturn
Mars Sun, Moon, Venus, SaturnMercury
Mercury Sun, Venus Mars, Jupiter Moon
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn Mercury, Venus
Venus Mercury, Saturn Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon
Saturn Mercury, Venus Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars
Rahu/Ketu Mercury, Venus Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars
The above relationship is based on the principle that from
Mool -Trikona sign of a planet, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, and 12th
position lords are its friends and the rest i.e. 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th,
and 11th position lords are its enemies. The exaltation sign’s
lord of a planets is always its friend even if it owns 3rd, 6th, 7th,
10th, and 11th position from Mool- Trikona sign.
2. Temporary/ Tatkalik :- This relationship is temporary and
depends upon position of planets in the zodiac. This
relationship changes with reference to each horoscope. The
planets in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th, and 12th houses from a
particular planet become its temporary friends and those in
rest of the houses are temporary enemies.
Both types of relationship are considered while examining a
horoscope and Combined relationship is obtained which is as
under: -
Temporary Friend+Permanent Friend = Intimate Friend (Adhi
Temporary Friend + Permanent Enemy = Neutral
Temporary Friend + Permanent Neutral = Friend
Temporary Enemy + Permanent Friend = Neutral
Temporary Enemy + Permanent Neutral = Enemy
Temporary Enemy +Permanent Enemy=Bitter Enemy
(Adhi Shatru)

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